A UK Distributor
with a worldwide reach
We are passionate about
the quality of our Products
Our customer-centric approach
is industry leading
Our clients benefit from
our buying power

A7 Commodities is an emerging independent company in the metals, recycled plastics, E-cigarette distribution and Cloud Storage industries

Established in 2019 our business now places product tonnage in the hundreds and thousands with our growing client base in the UK and beyond.

In 2023 due to client demand we expanded into new markets of; IT Support Services, specifically providing Cloud Data Storage, and the wholesale supply of E-cigarettes.

Our aim is to be the No.1 distributor in our market within the next 5 years. Lofty ambitions, however, with our ever-expanding purchasing leverage, our goal is definitely achievable.

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A7 Commodities Supports Emerging Talent

Porsche Sprint Challenge GB 2021

A7 Commodities are extremely proud to sponsor young up and coming driver Charles Clark who races in the Porsche Sprint Challenge GB Series.

Inspired by his father, a long-time racer and Porsche Carrera Cup winner, Charles made his debut in the Porsche Club GB Championship in 2019. With no prior experience and only a dirt buggy as his point of reference, he got behind the wheel of a 2006 Porsche Boxster S and left a lasting impression on the series’ veterans, placing 2nd overall.

In 2020 Charles moved up to the Porsche Sprint Challenge GB Series, an exciting new championship which adds an important tier to the Porsche Motorsport Pyramid in Great Britain, providing a new entry point and additional opportunities for aspiring race drivers. With the 2020 season curtailed, all his attention is now turned to the 2021 series and beyond.

A7 Commodities